How to Make Money with Your Website and Blog

make-money-onlineThere are uncounted numbers of the websites, articles, blogs and online tools on internet claiming to help you to make money with your websites or blogs through few easy steps.  It’s a general believe or I should say a myth between many internet users that it’s very easy to earn thousands by just few clicks, taking surveys or by having an online presence via website, blog etc. 

This myth has led many online frauds and instead of making any penny out of it loads of collegeMake-Money-Online-Website going students and quick money seekers have lost their savings.  Being human, it is natural that we are attractive to such moneymaking schemes. However, we need to remember that no one will just give us the money. Making money online needs your time and efforts.

My current article focuses on how to help us earn money legitimately through internet without losing money on any fraud schemes. Making money through internet is easy, however it is a time consuming process. If you have a website or you write blogs you can easily monetize your online presence BUT only if your work attracts traffic and visitors. It is all about how you attract visitors to your website/blog through your content.

The tools covered in this article, are well-known, proven and reliable ways of making money with your website or blogs. Enjoy these super methods as per your needs!

Affiliate Marketing:
This is one of the most popular and promising way to make lot of money online. It is a performanceAffiliate_Marketing based marketing where any merchant such as Amazon or eBay etc. that is willing to let you sell their products on basis of commissions. Your website or blog will display their product details in the form of banners or Ads and every visitor who click and reach to their portal will become their potential customer.  Few popular affiliate marketplaces are:

Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising:
Most popular and known method is Google Adsense. All it requires is adding small code to your website or blog to enable the Ads on it. You can easily control the type of Ads you want to show, filter them based on categories, locations etc.

Once Ads is ON, entire process is automatic and every click on it by your visitors will make you earn money out of it.  Key for success here is your content and offerings, which will bring more traffic to your site. More visitors will increase your chances of your making money.

Other popular online advertising tools are:

Impression Advertising:
Another simple way of earning money and it behaves very much as PPC methods with a difference that it is not required for your visitor to Click on the Ads. This concept is also known as CPM (Cost per Mile) and all you need to do is display the Ad and money rolls in based on page views yourImpression_CPI blog attracts.  This concept can do wonders for those who have higher page views and visitor ratio, for e.g. online magazines, entertainment related blogs etc.

It requires you to think from businessperson perspective while placing the Ads. If you are a businessperson, you will prefer to pay someone who can promote your business by giving you a priority and high visibility within his or her network. Same goes with blog, better placement and visibility of Ad will increase the chance of earning money.  Few of the popular CPM methods are:

Email List Building:
This is the most powerful approach in marking regular and big income. All you need to do is have aemail_marketing subscription button on your blog and start saving the list. In order to build a genuine email marketing list it is advisable to let user know why and for what purpose you are asking them to subscribe. Whether they are comfortable in if, you contact them for offers from relevant companies etc. You can then filter the list accordingly and run the email marketing campaign with relevant offers so that you get more visitors.

You can also use the same list for sharing any other valuable offer with your subscribers as a part of affiliate marketing and increase your income.

Widget Magic:
Internet is making life easy for the users via Widgets. All you need to do is plug & play the service on the blog or website. Several widgets can help you in monetizing your website for e.g.  SmartLinks etc.

This is another way of making money with your website.  It is only recommendable to use this button on your website if you are offering a great piece of information, catering niche, adding value to community, sharing knowledge and allowing readers to gain real value from your content.   The best example to see how it works is to visit Wikipedia where if you like the content or information you can send the donation.

Paid Surveys and Reviews:questionnaire and computer mouse
Many companies in market are ready to pay you money to run a survey or Poll on your website to collect reviews about their product.  All you need to do is signup, select the relevant poll for your website and let the money rolls in.  You can also connect with any company directly who might not be aware of such promotion ways and can make good income.

Banner Advertising:
If big audience follows you, your website attracts loads of visitors and you got an advertising space on your website or blog, this option is best suited for you.  Banner advertising is one of the highest earning methods wherein once you qualified you can earn commission free direct earning.

Job Boards:
It is one of the “In Demand” ways of making money or monetizing your website.  Create a Job forum on your site where people can post the jobs and readers can apply for them. Its success and profitability depends on how you manage the job posts, allow user to interact etc.  ReadWriteWeb, Problogger etc. are best examples for it.

Make Money Key on Computer KeyboardThere are several other methods, which we can use to make money with our website. As I mentioned above, it is a long-term process. The profitability of your efforts will depend on how much traffic you can manage to bring to your website or blog. Content plays a crucial role in your efforts.  Visitors should find your content as informative and interactive else, they will not spend much time on website and notice your teasers from which you will make money online with your website.

2 thoughts on “How to Make Money with Your Website and Blog

  1. Andrew Joseph

    Thanks for providing such a great post, today internet marketing is increasing day by day… My personal favorite is affiliate marketing as it lets me do a bit of everything… 🙂

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