The 3 Best Jobs Abroad for Recent College Grads

Graduating from college is definitely a lot scarier than it seems. You have been working hard towards that goal, and you have had a clear path in which your life was heading up to this point. Now the future seems a bit less secure and planned out. But this is not a bad thing, it is actually exciting and leaves a lot of space for self-exploration and experience gaining. And one of the best options is starting your career abroad, not only will you get to travel and learn about a different culture, but you will also be able to add a new language to your resume, as well as some valuable skills. Now there are different options when it comes to job selection abroad, we will cover some of the more popular ones in this article, and you can decide which one suits you the most. So let’s start!

Opt for hospitality jobs

Considering that this is one of the most popular options for college graduates in most developed countries in the world, why not try it abroad as well. Opting for an entry-level job abroad will not only provide you with a great experience and skills to add to your resume, but it will also enable you to live abroad and experience life in a foreign country. It might not be paid great, but for someone starting out with zero experience, it is the perfect option. It will test your adaptability, language learning skills and most importantly organizational skills and teamwork. There is so much to gain from a hospitality job, and most of the things you learn can help you navigate through company structures later in life. So start browsing now. First, select the countries you would most like to work in and then zero in on the jobs you could apply for.

Teaching is always a great option

Teaching is definitely a great option for a number of reasons. First of all, you will get to spend time with young and inquisitive minds and learn as much as you teach. Secondly, there are a lot of options when it comes to subjects you can teach, but a language is still the most preferable one. Numerous postgraduates from English speaking countries end up teaching the English Language throughout Asia and Africa. For example, in Hong Kong there are great schools like Monkey Tree for TEFL certificates, there you can gain experience that you need, further your language teaching skills and get to know this wonderful city and its people. You can also opt to attend a local language course so as to broaden your knowledge, and at the same time improve your ability to transfer knowledge to your students. Teaching language in U.A.E., China or South Korea can at times be quite lucrative, and you can end up paying off your student loans far more quickly than you’d expect.

Childcare jobs in developed countries

Working as an au pair abroad is always a great option for recent college graduates. Of course, you need to live kids if you want to try this job out for size. Being an au pair helps you develop a lot of useful skills, from empathy to patients and organization. You will be in charge of something most precious any parent can have, so there is no shortage of responsibility. But you also stand to gain a lot, not only are these types of jobs paid well, but you will also have the opportunity to learn the local language and customs, as well as to participate in the family daily routines and activities. You’ll get to see first hand how people of this country live, what are their values and viewpoints, and how they perceive the world around them. This can be an eye-opening experience, it can broaden your views, make you aware of the world around you, and ultimately make you a far better professional further down the road.

So there you have it, top three job options if you decide to go abroad after graduation. This option might seem a bit scary, but there is no better way to gain much-needed life experience than leaving your comfort zone and exploring the world.

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