Finding the right candidate for your company is never easy. Not only that you have to make sure that the person you hire can help you lead your company to success, but you also need to find someone who’s going … Read the rest

Finding the right candidate for your company is never easy. Not only that you have to make sure that the person you hire can help you lead your company to success, but you also need to find someone who’s going … Read the rest
Organising a business event is quite complex, but the potential benefits most certainly justify the effort. Any opportunity for your colleagues to meet or a chance to mingle with your business partners is actually contributing to the team spirit among … Read the rest
Owning a startup is one of the best ways to start climbing up in the business world and when you look at some of the today’s most successful companies, you’ll notice they actually started as startups. This means you too … Read the rest
Spending your working hours in an office may involve your dream job. However, it can still be difficult to maintain productivity in such an environment, and even harder to boost your performance. Therefore, it’s important that you put some … Read the rest
No matter what kind of work you do, you should always aim at making the most of your workday and ending your day with a sense of accomplishment. However, a workday can easily spiral out of control and make you … Read the rest
A happy and stress-free worker is a productive and focused worker. Happy workers finish around 12% more work than unhappy ones, and it all comes from their better motivation. But, since motivation is influenced by wages, office culture and most … Read the rest
The omnipresence of internet has sparked a lot of debates about the traditional media, making us wonder: Are the newspaper dead? Is there no more need for the printed books? And finally, did digital marketing defeat the traditional forms of … Read the rest
The most popular and well known digital currencies these days are Dash and Bitcoin. However, the focus of this text will be on Dash as it has a lot more advantages over all other digital currencies. In general, the simplest … Read the rest
The way people shop changed a lot in the last few years and that’s why each year we’re getting more and more web shops. Nowadays, you can buy practically anything online meaning there’s a lot of competition in the eCommerce … Read the rest
The concept of digital workplace is not strictly tied to a physical space. More importantly, digital workplace is actually an organization strategy, which helps the employees be at the top of their game as they work. Thanks to the digital … Read the rest